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Translation Rates French-English and English-French

Translation of Articles and other Short Texts

These price ranges are provided for information only. The rate applied to your text will depend upon the complexity of its content, its length and the timeframe in question. Don’t hesitate to contact me to request a free quote with no obligation.

Translation French-English Rate (per word, source text)
General Text 0.12-0.14 €
Specialist Text (Social Sciences, Humanities, ICT) 0.15-0.16 €
Literary Text 0.16-0.18 €

Translation English-French Rate (per word, source text)
General Text 0.13-0.15 €
Specialist Text (Social Sciences, Humanities, ICT) 0.16-0.17 €
Literary Text 0.17-0.19 €

Book Translations

If you have a book you wish to translate contact me so that we can discuss your project together.

Proofreading Rates (in French and in English)

Proofreading of texts is charged by the hour, between 35€ and 50€ depending on the type of text and the deadline. Contact me for an accurate quote for your text.

Rates for Editorial and Linguistic support(in French and in English)

Editorial work is charged per page of 1500 characters (including spaces) and language support services are charged at an hourly rate. Please contact me for a personalised quote for your project.